In the summer of 2010, GoGo Bags Owner Anahita created the concept behind gogoBags which is that of sustainability, quality, and family. The handmade fabric goods, that many have come to know and love, officially were introduced later that same year at a local Christmas Craft Market in North Vancouver.

Our products are handmade by experienced seamstress’ with fabrics curated with quality in mind, our products are made to last. When taken care of properly, our bags can be used by future generations rather than say, 5-10 years. We wanted to create a product that is sought after due to a necessity rather than the need to replace it. Due to the detailed craftsmanship, this can be attained.

Owned In: British Columbia

Made In North Vancouver, BC:

  • Reusable Face Masks
  • Fresh Bread Bags
  • Fresh Celery Bags
  • Fresh Mushroom Bags
  • Fresh Salad Bags
  • Mesh Produce Bags
  • Reusable Tea Bags
  • Snack Sets
  • Straw Bags
  • Toothbrush Bags

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GoGo BagsMore Canadian Made Produce Bags

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