Maker’s Crafted Malts was formed by a small collective of farmers who have decades of experience growing high quality malt barley. The concept of doing a start-up craft malting operation was born out of the success of the recent Craft Beer movement. We saw a disconnect between the needs of the local Craft Brewer/Distiller and the typical source of their malt supply. The typical malt source is a large multinational company. They source grain from many farmers (with considerable agronomic differences) blend it and malt it to meet a standard acceptable to the large corporate brewers that are their main customers. Maker’s Malts only target audience is the Craft Brewer/Distiller and we are dedicated to producing malt specific to your needs.
Owned In: Saskatchewan
Made In Rosthern, SK:
- Maker’s Pilsner HB
- Maker’s Vienna 4.5 HB
- Maker’s Midnight HB
- Maker’s Premium Pale HB
- Maker’s Munich 10 HB
- Maker’s Bow Bayern
Maker’s Crafted Malts Availability:
More Canadian Made Malt