Faith Apiaries has Local RAW honey for sale. We’re confident you won’t find better tasting honey anywhere. We have various sizes to choose from. We do not fill customer’s containers. (1 kg of honey is 750 ml or about 26 fl oz). See our online store for items that are in stock and our current prices. All purchases are C.O.D. but we do accept all major credit cards, Apple and Android pay and Debit Tap. If you’d like to pay by any of these means, please mention that when ordering so we can be sure to accommodate.

Pick up near Libau, message me for directions, or we can probably deliver to you in and near Selkirk and Winnipeg if you’re flexible with day and time. We invite you to visit our farm to pick up honey but please phone ahead to confirm our availability. All our honey and wax products come with our money back guarantee. If you are not pleased with the product, we will refund your purchase price, less any shipping charges you may have paid.

Owned In: Manitoba

Produced In Libau, MB:

  • Specialty Honey & Pollen
  • Beeswax
  • Candles / Wax

Faith Apiaries Availability:

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