Canadian Greeting Cards

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Keishia Treber of KTreber is best known for her Canadian Landscape, and Stylized Wildlife Paintings. Born and raised in the small town of Revelstoke, BC, Keishia has called Kamloops home for the past 12 years after attending University in 2006.…

Hi! I’m Vicky, and I am so excited to welcome you to Little Blue Canoe and introduce myself as it’s new owner. I cannot fully explain my excitement to be starting my own journey with Little Blue Canoe. Much like myself, LBC was born and raised in…

Long Way Homestead is a family owned and operated fibre farm and wool mill in Eastern Manitoba, Treaty One Territory, Canada. Owned In: Manitoba Made In Richer, MB: Cat Beds Wool Toques Wool Pillows Wool Tote Bags Greeting Cards Posters Utility…

Marlee Rae Creates, an insatiably curious graphic designer who has a keen eye for detail, approaches problems with humour and dedication, and is enthusiastic to create well crafted, story-driven design. I grew up in North Vancouver, earned a Visual…

Mary Ness is an artist, writer, designer and boutique publisher of creative, exceptional quality greeting cards produced entirely in Canada. Mary has been making cards at Marry Ness Cards for distinctive, loyal retailers and their customers for more…

Melissa Peter-Paul is a Mi’kmaw woman from Abegweit First Nation, located on Epekwitk. Growing up, Melissa was immersed in cultural teachings and was surrounded by a family of basket makers. She began her artistic expression at a young age, making…

Morse Code Love Prints – I’m passionate about helping people connect. In my creative process, that translates to designs that make people laugh or that they deeply resonate with. Beyond the designs themselves, I see my product choices as…

Canada is home to some of the most amazing landscapes and diverse scenery- about 11 years ago I took a trip to Victoria, BC and fell in love with the beauty of the island. My true passion for nature photography began and has grown stronger ever…

Northern Cards Canada is your online source for greeting cards. We have proudly been Canada’s Greeting Card Company Since 1989. Northern Cards specializes in hand-drawn illustrations by exceptional artists. Our brand was created by our co-founders,…

Pictoria Cards is a family-run independent custom photographic greeting card company located in Chelsea, Quebec, Canada. We have been creating, manufacturing and distributing our hand-made cards for almost 30 years and we are always delighted with…