Hi – My name is Stan, my wifes name is Glynnis, together we started making musical instruments at Bigleaf Musical Instruments about twenty five years ago .I concentrate mostly on stringed instruments, (Mandolins, Irish Bouzoukis, Ukuleles, etc.)While my wife looks after the smaller instruments (Drums, kalimbas, Xylophones, and Zithers)We like selling to musicians, but also to people who have never played an instrument before but always wanted to. So we concentrate on several easy play instruments, our shop motto is “Instruments made to be played”
My main love is Celtic music, I have played in several Celtic bands playing Mandolin, Bouzouki, Whistle and flute. We have lived and operated in several parts of Canada, but for the last seven years have settled in the Okanagan Valley, a beautiful wine producing region in central British Columbia, I love making musical instruments (and music) and will continue for as long as I am able.
Owned In: British Columbia
Made In Kelowna, BC:
- Guitars
- Mandolas
- Celtic Mandolins
- Bouzoukis
- Ukuleles
- Drums
- Chimes
- Xylophones