At Breezy Way Farm we raise Berkshire pigs that are not in tiny pens but rather one large pen. In summer they are free to go in and out of the barn as they wish. Our meat chickens are raised in free-run pens and feed on grass, weeds, and bugs. We do supplement their feed. As quantities are limited, we ask you pre-order your chickens if possible to avoid disappointment. Our egg chickens (browns) are also raised this way. Our feed is about 1/2 feed we mill ourselves and 1/2 bought from the feed mill. This year we plan to raise turkeys as well though only on a very small scale so it is best to order them sooner rather than later.
We raise almost any vegetable you can think of including green, yellow and various heirloom beans; carrots; snow, snap and shelling peas; pickling and slicing cucumbers; over 50 different kinds of tomatoes, most of which are heirloom; beets, corn, potatoes, melons, squash, ornamental gourds, onions, and many more.
The herbs we offer include parsley, summer savory, dill, sorrel, cilantro, basil (5 or 6 kinds), rosemary, and others. One of my passions is growing mint. We will be offering almost a dozen different types this year as well as other herbs perfect for tea: lemongrass, borage, etc
Fruits vary from season to season as chokecherries and wild plums are picked in our bush and birds can get there first! Usually we have a fair bit of them though. Strawberries are available most of the summer as are raspberries (both red and yellow). Apples are available starting mid-August (the sweeter ones) and again in early September (the more tart ones). I am hoping to be able to offer nanking cherries this year and possibly even some other cherries. Next year we hope to get some plums from our trees as well as a pear or two. The year after our apricot trees should be bearing fruit. We have also planted saskatoon, blueberry, currant, and blackberry shrubs. We do our best to offer produce that tastes incredible (though many heirlooms do have odd shapes, their taste is far above the “pretty” looking tomatoes!)
We offer subscription produce buckets for a very affordable price. We are not a CSA as we do not have others work in our gardens and we ask you to fill out a form letting us know what you would like (or not like) in your buckets each week. The buckets start at the beginning of July and go through to the end of October. If you have questions or would like to sign up, please feel free to email or phone us.
Owned In: Manitoba
Produced In Morden, MB:
- Pork Products
- Chicken Products
- Preserves Products
- Turkey Products
- Fruit
- Vegetables