Canadian Pork Products

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Hi there! We are the Anderson Family, and we are farmers in Glen Valley, located 5kms east of beautiful Fort Langley. The main crop on the farm is pumpkins, and that is where it all began. Owners and grandparents, Albert and Dorothy (Al-Dor), put a…

Andrade Farms was started by my parents, Tony and Mary Andrade, in 1974. From 1974 to 2013, they owned and operated about a 200 head, farrow to finish operation while they raised their 4 children. It was a great learning experience for all and when…

Welcome to Arc Acres, the epitome of quality when it comes to beef and pork products! Are you a meat lover in search of the finest cuts that will elevate your culinary creations to new heights? Look no further! Arc Acres is here to satisfy your…

Aurora Mountain Farm is a small family farm in the Yukon. Our operation is very diversified. From handspinning, felting & fibre arts, wild crafted jam, jelly, marmalade & mustard, handmade soap, pastured pork & chicken, mobile abattoir…

Bearbrook Game Meats is the place to find deer, elk, buffalo, wild boar, ducks, geese, camel, and kangaroo as well as other exotic and North American meats including including domestic varieties such as beef pork chicken lamb. Some of our featured…

Becaguimec Farm – Emily grew up in a quiet neighbourhood in St. Catharines, Ontario. After completing her master in Geography at the University of Guelph, Emily came to New Brunswick to work at Falls Brook Centre in 2009. She is now Director…

Everything at Big G Foods is made with the utmost pride and care after years of painstaking trial and error.  We refuse to serve something that we don’t consider perfect & we proudly stand behind everything we make.  All of our products…

With our focus on producing high-quality eggs and meat at Birch Island Farm, we can help you achieve your goals of improving your health while eating food that tastes great! Our family, consisting of Lloyd, Roxane, AJ & Spencer, own a small…

At Boudreau Meat Market we grow most of our own forage, such as grass silage, which we process and bale ourselves. With a relatively large cattle herd, we’re able to use our own manure, subsidized with fertilizers, to enrich the soil. All of our…

At Breezy Way Farm we raise Berkshire pigs that are not in tiny pens but rather one large pen. In summer they are free to go in and out of the barn as they wish. Our meat chickens are raised in free-run pens and feed on grass, weeds, and bugs. We do…