Fundy Coast Farm – I fell in love with the art of cold press soap making a few years ago. I was searching for a creative way to explore my artistic side. I began by learning the various properties of oils, essential oils, fragrance oils and various other ingredients used in making cold press soap.
It was so much fun to create new recipes that play with colour, texture, and your senses. It makes my heart happy to know my soaps and lotions can make even a small difference in my customers overall skin health. All my products are formulated with sea water and other healthy, organic ingredients, providing a natural healthy way to get added nourishment on your skin. Plus, they feel great!
Owned In: New Brunswick
Made In Beaverbrook, NB:
- Sea Salts
- Seaweed
- Face Masks infused with Seaweed
- Face Cream Infused with Seaweed
- Cuticle Cream
- Shampoo
- Hair Conditioner
- Soaps
- Body Butter
- Body Lotion
- Lip Balm
- Healing Salve
- Soap Making Workshops
- Dog Shampoo
Fundy Coast Farm Availability:
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