The story of Mother Hen began in Laval in 1994, in a kitchen that could have been yours, in the hands of a new mommy like you, who was not satisfied with the offer of purees available on the shelves. She wanted the best for her baby! So she decided, with her own mother’s help, to start a home-made production of baby food, bringing together the best ingredients. Their mission? To prepare home-quality pureed baby food, that could be sold in a few outlets in the surrounding area. In just a few years, the company blossomed and the sale points multiplied, but the essence and the heart of the company remained the same: to offer tasty recipes, prepared with ingredients of impeccable quality, that reassure your best-intentioned heart.
Owned By: Olymel of Saint-Hyacinthe QC
Made In Montreal, QC:
- Frozen Sorbet
- Frozen Fruits
- Frozen Baby Foods
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