Ran-Cher Acres is a dairy goat farm specializing in cheese making, owned and operated by Randy and Cheryl Hiltz and their youngest daughter, Sara.
On our farm overlooking the beautiful Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia, we milk 100+ purebred Saanen dairy goats. We use the milk to make cheese, yogurt, kefir and bottled pasteurized goat’s milk.
Owned In: Nova Scotia
Made In Aylesford, NS:
- Feta Cheese
- Cream Chevre
- Cheese Curds
- Fresh Chevre
- Marinated Feta Cubes
- Mountain Ash Chevre
- Monterey Jack Cheese
- Yogurt (Plain)
- Greek Style Yogurt
- Paneer
- Milk (non-homogenized
- Parmesan Cheese
- Gouda
- Quark
- Water Kefir Grain
- Kombucha (mushrooms)
- Kefir & Kefir Grain