U-Pick Strawberries

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A. Bélisle & Fils – The Bélisle family has been perfecting its talent for growing Quebec strawberries since 1983. In addition to the well-known succulent summer strawberries, we also offer fall strawberries, raspberries, sweet corn and…

Austins Pick Your Own, brings you a variety of goods and was originated by the family of Glen and Jean Austin. They have been proudly providing Norfolk with pre-picked and pick-your-own produce for years. There, you have the unique opportunity to…

Welcome to Billyco Junction Gardens, our Central Alberta Farm where you can: visit our fruit and berry U pick gardens in the summertime use our healthy fund-raising tool for your community or school projects Our farm was established in 1987. We…

During the Spring season, be sure to book a tour on our Boonstra Farms and see all the animals and history. You can visit the farm yard to brush up your cow milking skills, get your exercise on the nature walk, take a tour on the hay ride, and last…

Since 1891 the Pate Family has lived and farmed at Brantwood Farms in Brant County. Over time various aspects of the farm have changed over the decades our passion and dedication to agriculture remains the same. It is our goal to bring the best in…

Although Bumbleberry Farms has grown since their start; they are still a family run business that offers premium fresh raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, and blackberries grown on their own fields – not from other farms. We invite you to visit…

We love farm life at Cormier’s Berry Patch, strawberries, fresh air and working outside. And we love that we can share our farm with you. We’re fortunate to represent the fourth generation of farming in both our families. Be it cattle,…

Driediger Farms has been your destination for delicious BC Strawberries, Blueberries, Blackberries, Raspberries and Red Currants since the early 1960’s. Although our farm has grown over the years we continue to bring our community the best of BC…

Our delicious red strawberries at Kenni’s Strawberry Farm are just waiting to be picked. Everyone get ready for a fun time in the strawberry patch. Pick enough strawberries for your whole family to enjoy! The varieties that are grown at the…

Koornneef Farms is a small family owned and operated strawberry farm. Our family purchased 7 acres of bare land in the fall of 2020 with a dream of creating a strawberry patch for families in the surrounding areas to experience and enjoy! In the…