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Acorn Greek Garden Farm believes in supporting local communities and promoting seasonal eating. By sourcing our seeds and plants locally and following nature’s natural growing seasons, we provide you with the freshest, most nutrient-dense…

Addison Gardens is an organic farm in Addison, Ontario owned and operated by Zoltan Sara and Eszter Papp.  Our farming practices go beyond the organic standard to grow chemical free, safe produce while protecting the environment we all live in and…

Avonmore Berry Farm presents a delightful blend of nature’s bounty and family-friendly experiences. Whether you are a berry enthusiast, a nature lover, or simply seeking a memorable day out, this charming farm offers something for everyone.…

The Barb’s Produce journey began as Steve and Barb Vos grew 16 acres of Rockwood’s best vegetables and brought them to the Guelph Farmer’s Market. Hard work and excellence inspired the premium produce they grew. In the year 1999…

We are proud to have such a long farming family history with the 7th generation now working on the farm. We operate a unique 1000 acre family farm that has been specializing in Super Sweet Corn for over 55 years. This has become widely known as…

Indian Creek Orchard Gardens is an organically managed micro farm, intimate in scale. We are nestled on a magical five acres stretch of the Indian Creek, a small tributary of the Mississippi River between Pakenham and Almonte. We employ a hybrid of…