It has taken 18 years to build up the Friedensfield Honey & Berry Farm business to what it is today! From one beehive in 1999 to 1,700 beehives and 20 acres of strawberries today. Andy has always enjoyed working with soil. So in 2004, Andy planted his first acre of strawberries.
It all started when Andy Loewen’s father decided to sell his dairy cows. He loved farming, but with the cows being sold he had to do something else. He bought a beehive in 1999. The next year 50 hives were purchased this then expanded to the 1,700 honey bee colonies that are being managed today.
Owned In: Manitoba
Made In La Broquerie, MB:
- Honey
- Bee Pollen
- Bee Propolis & Wax
- Strawberries