Canadian Dairy

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Recognized nationally as having top quality milk, it is no secret that Islanders enjoy ADL Dairy also known as Amalgamated Dairies Limited! An excellent source of 16 essential nutrients including calcium, protein and vitamin D, milk and evaporated…

Since 1976, our family has been proudly making some of the most sought after cheeses for Alberta’s food service providers, retailers and cheese lovers alike. We’ve had the pleasure of manufacturing, importing and distributing cheese and other food…

Hi there! We are the Anderson Family, and we are farmers in Glen Valley, located 5kms east of beautiful Fort Langley. The main crop on the farm is pumpkins, and that is where it all began. Owners and grandparents, Albert and Dorothy (Al-Dor), put a…

Armadale Farm Dairy Products makes Cheese and Dairy Products with our own milk from the farm. All of our products are hand made, with meticulous attention to detail and quality to deliver the best possible product to the consumer. Whether you’…

The Armadale Farm story begins when Hetty’s parents, Jozef and Regina Duivenvoorden), decided to immigrate to Canada in 1986. Farming was becoming increasingly difficult in The Netherlands, with not farm in the future. They already had family…

Aurora Mountain Farm is a small family farm in the Yukon. Our operation is very diversified. From handspinning, felting & fibre arts, wild crafted jam, jelly, marmalade & mustard, handmade soap, pastured pork & chicken, mobile abattoir…

The Back Forty Artisan Cheese farm is home to the dairy, cheese shop, and riverside bistro and is located in Mississippi Station, Ontario, an hour west of Ottawa. The shop offers a full selection of our raw-sheep’s milk cheeses, as well as range of…

Balderson Cheese – In 1881, the local dairy farmers of Lanark County, near Perth, had a good idea. They decided to form a dairy collective, pool their excess milk production and build a factory Balderson Cheese, to produce a local Cheddar.…

Barb’s Baking B&W Ranch – Barb and Werner are Certified Baker-Cake/Pastry Chefs with years of experience. Products are professionally made from our own scratch recipes and no added preservatives. We also have a food permit to sell…

It all began in 1924, when Robert W. Baxter of Baxter Milk purchased a small milk route in Saint John, New Brunswick. After selling and delivering pasteurized milk door to door by horse and wagon, he decided to build his own milk processing plant.…