Canadian Blankets

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The Absolute Qiviut store may be new but we are not ! We are formerly Cottage Craft Angora mill, trading under the name cottage craft angora for close to 15 years. Because we no longer manufacture Angora rabbit yarns we thought it time that we…

Black Sheep Mattress began with a belief that there was a more sustainable and beneficial way to make and sell mattresses. Developed from a growing awareness of the negative health and environmental impacts of conventional mattress manufacturing, we…

Brook Ridge Farm was established in 1995 when we purchased this property just west of the town of Antigonish, in North Eastern Nova Scotia. The rambling 200 acre tract of land is home to our Border Leicester purebred sheep, along with the commercial…

I make fabric items at By The Sea Boutique out of natural fabrics that are functional, durable and beautiful. I have a large selection of children’s and adult aprons. I have just added more bunting and doll quilts for spring. New tea cozies…

As you can guess, my name is Christine Taylor and I am the Owner of Christine Taylor Designs, a Canadian custom embroidery and gifts business. About 12 years ago I traded in my job in Human Resources at a large retail company to stay home and raise…

Custom Woolen Mills is a small, family owned and operated woolen mill located near Carstairs, Alberta, Canada. Using turn-of-the-century industrial revolution machinery, we have been providing quality woolen and exotic fibre products to our loyal…

Handcrafted Home is founded by Shane Heyworth & Madison (Madi) Smith. Through our knowledge developed running successfully for several years, we realized a need for fully custom, handcrafted, locally made household comforts. How long…

Heart Warmers started over 20 years ago in a veterinary practice, our hot and cold bags were designed for use in small animals to keep our patients warm during and after surgical procedure. We found them so effective that a human line was developed.…

Kangapouch Inc – It was the year 1999 when my mother, Hanne Bollhorn had an “Ah-ha” moment in her life. Her daughter-in-law and son had purchased a baby sleeping bag filled with duck down and had brought it back from Germany. This sleep sack…

Kiluk’s handcrafted clothing produced by local seamstresses showcases the beauty and artistry of traditional Inuit clothing while using modern techniques and equipment to ensure standards and quality are maintained. Opened in Arviat in 1996, Kiluk…