Local Vegetables

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Prairie Dome U-Pick is a fruit orchard located 10 kilometers south of Yorkton on Highway 9. Saskatoons and Sour Cherries are available in season. Prairie Dome Seed Potatoes, established as a seed potato grower in 1982, supplies a variety of seed…

Quinn Farm is a farm that offers u-pick fruits and vegetables when in season. We also have farm animals and a play yard to visit. If you are interested in learning more about honey bees, their importance on the farm and how we harvest honey, this is…

Redpoll Farms is a vegetable produce farm located south of Steinbach. The farm is owned and operated by the Cliff and Dorothy Freund family. Both Cliff and Dorothy have enjoyed gardening, planting trees and tending to the land in various forms their…

River Valley Specialty Farms, located in Bagot, Manitoba is ideally centered in the rich agricultural land of the Assiniboine River Valley. Location, climate, rich soil and air quality make the land ideal for growing organic grains and produce like…

At Rondriso Farms we are proud to run a small-scale farm. We believe that growing a wide range of crops allows us to maintain the integrity of our land and the food we grow. Our farm is truly sustainable, and that’s good for our family and…

30 years ago Paul and Karen Hamer of Saskatoon Farm planted Saskatoon Berry seedlings on a piece of property at the convergence of the Sheep and Highwood River, just outside of Okotoks… With horticulture backgrounds and a dream to live on the…

Our families first Surrey Farms Ltd market was built in 1989 at 5180 152 Street and consisted of a 5×5 box. This is where we sold our berries from before we expanded. Situated in beautiful city of Surrey, our red Surrey Farms fruit stand has…

At The Little Potato Company we live by a set of deeply held core values, and they drive every decision we make. See the guiding principles we structure our business around—family, integrity, reliability, respect, and humility. Everything we do from…

Welcome to the Saskaberry Ranch. Y’all come on in and see what’s happenin’ at the ranch. We strive to be a regenerative and sustainable farm, with summer time upick and year round farm store, with urban location drop offs. This here site will tell…

Thotum U-Pick Vegetables is a newly established family-run Market Garden in Winnipeg. Our mission is to produce nutritious vegetables and fruits for u-pick at an affordable cost. Through constantly educating ourselves on innovative farming methods,…