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Ditto grain is a simile for the work we present, the wood grain anew in purpose, representation and perception. We create our work from our little home in Prince Edward Island. Sometimes the work is created from an idea and other times the idea is…

The Downtown Farmers Market will open for the season July 2nd, 2023. Visit the Downtown Farmer’s Market on Queen street (Street closed between Grafton and Dorchester Streets); Sundays from July to the end of September. More than 70 Local Vendors…

Drummond Pens and gift products are “collector’s” quality, custom made from a careful selection of native and exotic woods. Each item is hand-turned on a wood lathe using hand tools, skill and time. Absolutely no automatic cutters or duplicators are…

Duinkerken Foods is a Canadian family-owned baking mix company and specializes in the production of high quality delicious and simple to prepare allergen-free baking mixes. President & CEO Brenda van Duinkerken knows first-hand how challenging a…

Evermore Brewing Company was founded by Alex Clark, the owner of nearby restaurant OpenEats, named after a boat that was owned by his family when he was younger. The pub is currently serving two house beers – Summerside Light, which is the brewery’s…

Fellow Earthlings is a handmade eyewear company with a factory based in Prince Edward Island. After working in the industry internationally, founders Christopher and Sydney Seggie returned home to the east coast of Canada to start a different kind…

Fleece & Harmony Woollen Mill is the culmination of a passion project that took me from the big city to the pastoral fields and shores of Prince Edward Island. In Prince Edward Island, life moves at a slower pace. It’s not magic, it’s just that…

Fleece & Harmony Woolen Mill is the culmination of a passion project that took us from the big city to the pastoral fields and shores of Prince Edward Island. In Prince Edward Island, life moves at a slower pace. It’s not magic, it’s just that…

Fox & Pine Woolies are made in our home in the wooded rolling hills of beautiful Prince Edward Island, Canada. There are many steps involved to getting the hot water bottle covers and mittens made. The fabric comes from hand picked cashmere and…

Every one of our soaps and related skincare products at From The Hive are meticulously handcrafted with raw honey, paying particular attention in using ingredients found from ‘Mother Nature’ herself. Our Honey Soaps and pure PEI Beeswax…